Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Video killed the.........?

This time I've been exploring videos online. It's been FUN! I've been looking at YouTube, Google video, Dailymotion and Vimeo. I've discovered lots of wonderful videos and great ways for libraries and organisations to utilise online videos as ways to promote themselves or their services.

The mupp-ettes are always telling me about videos they've either seen or their friends have seen on YouTube, so I was very aware of it as a video sharing site. I wasn't aware of how easy it is to upload and share your own video clips. This isn't something that I've personally attempted yet, but the instructions on how to actually do it look very easy. Maybe one day, but until then I've found a great video clip to share. Wait for it.....it's the Muppets singing Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody". There was a comment posted that thought that this clip was "blasphemy", but I think Freddie Mercury would approve. So I'm going to share it with you and trust you'll enjoy it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Web Browsers wanderings and wonderings

I have a confession to make....

Before this little excursion into the world of web browsers I had primarily used Internet Explorer. I was aware of other browsers of course, but hadn't really felt any great need to use any of them. Well, the times they a-changing!

I've looked at Opera, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox and this muppet is impressed with what they saw. My own preference is probably for Firefox. True, it did take a little getting used to (as I said old muppet, new tricks) but I quite like it. It has different features and a lot of similar features packaged in a different way to trusty old Internet Explorer. As I used to say to the mupp-ettes, "How do you know that you don't like it if you haven't even tried it". Great words of wisdom, hey?

Anyway the upshot is that I find myself using Firefox more and more, not that I'm giving Explorer the old heave-ho. There is an option to "Fashion Your Firefox" which recommends add-ons that you might find useful. I particularly liked the Executive assistant features and Cooliris, which allows you see images as a "wall". You can also decorate your browser to suit your personality. Hmm green and furry - that would be a nice look. Maybe I should suggest it to Mozilla.